The Power of Soul

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Soul heals all blockages and transforms all life.

A human being is made up of soul, mind and body. The soul is “the person”, and uses the mind and body to integrate into this reality; to experience life or better yet, to “BE LIFE”.

Let’s look at the mind. The mind can do a lot. It can heal the body as well as come up with all types of things to manifest and solve problems. The mind-body connection is already very well known. I’m sure you’ve heard of mind over matter. Well, even with the many miracles that have happened concerning the mind, it is all very antiquated.

You see, we were once in the Mind Era. An era where society has made leaps and bounds into technology.

However, we now have reached a turning point on Mother Earth. We are now in what is called the Soul Light Era. This is the Era where Soul is the Boss! (actually Soul has always been the Boss)

Now we are in Soul Over Matter. That’s right, your very being has the power to heal, to transform every aspect of your life. This Soul Light Era will transform humanity, Mother Earth, and all the Universes. 

So, all my lightworkers, this is our time. “Thy Kingdome come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” We are all the early birds that have been sent to lift the consciousness and you are already qualified to do it. It’s no coincidence that you are here in this dispensation of time. I’m sure you already see “the gathering” taking place. All souls join as one! It’s a HUGE task to fulfill. This is what all the spiritual testing has been about. All is to help you in your divine assignment. Don’t you feel it, that nudging? That thing that just won’t leave you alone. No matter how hard you try to just “fit in” and be like everyone else, that higher power will not let you. It is my job and others like me to remind you of what you have already agreed to do.

So, linger no longer. You are the answer to many prayers. Your toil and affliction wasn’t for nothing. Now it’s time to be awakened and to serve.

Serving others is how you feed your soul. Don’t you want your soul to continue to grow in power? Don’t you want more virtue in your virtue bank?

How to increase your soul power

Be A Total GOLD Servant

  • Gratitude
  • Obedience
  • Loyalty
  • Devotion

Making a vow to be in total gratitude, total obedience, total loyalty, and total devotion to God, He will give you an assignment and the Power to fulfill the assignment. However, making a vow to God is not a thing to take lightly, because not to fulfill the vow of your assignment could cause major blockages in your spiritual journey.

This is why when I’m working with clients as a Spiritual Lifestyle Coach, we start by cleaning up the being; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I’m grateful I can serve in this way. However, I must tell you, it came after many spiritual test. (by the way, I failed many of them) Know that if you work with clients  spiritually and/or energetically, you will also be tested.

God wants to know you can handle the responsibility of working with Him to transform humanity because the power of Soul is like no other. We have already seen things that most people can’t explain such as

  • People being healed instantly
  • accounts of a person being seen in several different places at once
  • hearing and seeing without the faculties of the physical eyes and ears
  • telepathy
  • and so much more

Did you know there are many different attributes, talents and desires of the Soul- the true self? The Soul has a preference on people, where to live, and different types of experiences it wants to have in any given lifetime. It also has a spiritual gift it can do better than anyone else on the planet; something very unique to itself. Such as healing, soul language, remote viewing, soul traveling, soul communication and so much more.

Just like anything else, you must practice. Even though Soul already has so much wisdom it has gathered through out its journey, Being in this realm causes many to forget. Doing a Soul Practice will help you to remember and gather that wisdom. Do you have a daily soul routine?

You can join us in the Sacred Love Academy Membership to develop and enhance the Power of Your Soul.

Congratulations on accepting your assignment. I look forward to all the wonderful gifts your Soul will offer to the world.

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