Fibroids Release Program


What’s included:

  • Private Consultation… so that you get a specialized program for you and not a generic one.

  • Fibroid Release System (The exact method I used to release my fibroids in 3 days 

  • Food Diary Forms

  • Herbal Pack Recipes (To break up and help with release of Fibroids)

  • Womb Journal Booklet

  • Access to 7 Day Online Womb Yoga class

  • Access to Sacred Love Community Facebook Group



So many women around the world are dealing with this issue. It has become so common that for a lot of women it has become normal… Well I’m here to tell you that common does not mean normal.

  • Flooding a pad in a few minutes is not normal
  • Heavy bleeding lasting 7 to 10 days or longer is not normal.
  • Having to take a change of clothes everywhere you go is not normal.
  • Planning your life around your period is not normal (unless you are planning it according to sacred rituals)
  • Heavy and painful periods is not normal

Fibroids don’t just come out of no where. There are many factors that play a part in forming them. The good news is since there is no mystery to how they came about; there is no mystery in getting rid of them.

I developed the Fibroids Release for women just like YOU!!! I’m coming from a place of having fibroids, getting rid of them, having them come back and getting rid of them again….for good. So I know from experience on what works, what doesn’t work and what only address symptoms instead of the root cause.

The Fibroid Release Program deals with every aspect of you as a woman; Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically.

What’s included:

  • Private Consultation… so that you get a specialized program for you and not a generic one.

  • Fibroid Release System (The exact method I used to release my fibroids in 3 days )

  • Food Diary Forms

  • Herbal Pack Recipes (To break up and help with release of Fibroids)

  • Womb Journal Booklet

  • Access to Sacred Love Community Facebook Group


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