Fibroid Release Private Coaching


I know your frustrated Sis, but now is the time to reclaim your well being!!!
  • Get your life back
  • No more planning your life around heavy bleeding
  • Decrease number of days of bleeding
  • Increased vitality to do the things you want to do in life
  • Rec-connect the mind body balance
  • Feel like yourself again in your body


Everything that is in the Fibroids Release Group Program

What does this 3 month Program include:

  • Private Consultation… so that you get a specialized program for you and not a generic one.

  • Fibroid Release System (The exact method I used to release my fibroids in 3 days )

  • Weekly Check-in

  • Food Diary Forms

  • Herbal Pack Recipes (To break up and help with release of Fibroids)

  • Monthly Healing Session

  • Womb Journal Booklet

  • Yin Yang Womb Yoga Sessions

  • Access to the Sacred Love Academy Membership

With the Private Coaching you also receive:

  • Weekly Personalized Healing Sessions

  • A list of all the products I used

  • The exact prescription for you (divine guidance and muscle testing.


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