Personal Branding for Introverts on Social Media

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I know you have a big vision and extraordinary purpose to fulfill. However, you don’t necessarily like being in front of people. And the thought of showing up on social media has you running for the hills. Listen, I totally get it. I actually consider myself to be a very social at times Introvert.

Yet, I too have a message I would like to get out to the masses. Trust me you are not alone, from one Introvert to another, I can help with this!

Here are some things I have done to great success.

  • They say right now, it’s all about the Reels. But I felt so uncomfortable talking in front of the camera. So what I did was record myself doing something that was relevant to my industry. Then I would do a voiceover.
  • If you being in the picture at all puts your anxiety on 10… (that use to be me as well) What I did for this is I took video of very beautiful scenery from my travel, added a industry relatable caption, a strong call to action and trending music.
  • Still photos are still doing quite well. You can take a photo of your product, a technique that you do, a nice photo of you and add a relatable caption with a strong call to action.
  • Post anything that is educational, entertaining or relatable (to your industry) and you can’t go wrong.

The point is if you are giving your audience VALUE for the most part they don’t care about the delivery. Don’t allow your thoughts about this to stop you from sharing your message. There are people out here waiting on you to show up!! To be honest I have seen post that I personally thought was crap GO VIRAL!!!

We have a step by step guide on how to in our Sacred CEO Class! 

You can check out the details here.

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